Post by radioscooter on May 12, 2005 8:22:43 GMT -5
I thought in light of the current threads, you might like to seethis sculptor's work. I've owned and painted the 1:1 Mike Hill Keaton bust before but THIS one beats it out a bit! (of course - no mask yet but I'm sure that's to come) www.artifexcreations.co.uk/Micheal%20Keaton.htm
Post by Figuremaster Les on May 12, 2005 10:39:40 GMT -5
Holy WOWSA! I only have this full out 89 costume in my closet...get me a mannequin and that head...I'd be in business!
Post by casimir on May 12, 2005 11:13:55 GMT -5
Wow... That is amazing! Especially since I'm sure he only had photos for reference.
Yet kinda creepy looking painted without the mask!
Post by BlackKnight on May 12, 2005 20:36:44 GMT -5
Thats fricken' amazing! ;D
Post by Wild Willy on May 13, 2005 18:55:32 GMT -5
I actually have those pics on my computer from last year and I assumed the head was made useing an actual lifecast, as there are many celeb Lifecasts available, but seeing your additional pics with it on the sculpting block, I am now convinced that it is a real sculpt. Unbelieveable job, looks like keaton 's head on a stick. lol
Post by faithfulbutler on May 15, 2005 19:40:43 GMT -5
Wow,as Cas said it's kind of creepy but extremely cool.